Dental crowns, an integral part of restorative dentistry, serve as protective caps placed over damaged or weakened teeth. Dr. Sandy Kim is pleased to offer this treatment for patients who need to restore their smile.

 Purpose of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are employed to reinforce and restore teeth that have undergone significant decay, fractures or root canal treatment. By encasing the tooth, crowns provide structural support, prevent further damage and enhance overall oral function.

Types of Dental Crowns

Various materials, including porcelain, metal alloys and ceramic, are used to create dental crowns. Each material has unique characteristics, allowing for customization based on the tooth’s location, aesthetic considerations and functional requirements.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Beyond structural reinforcement, dental crowns contribute to aesthetic improvements. They restore the natural appearance of the tooth, ensuring a seamless integration with the surrounding teeth. Additionally, crowns protect against sensitivity and further decay. 

Restore Your Smile

If you are in need of dental crowns or exploring restorative options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandy Kim by calling 214-736-3777. Our dentist and team craft personalized dental crowns in Irving, Texas, providing comprehensive solutions to reinforce and restore your teeth. Give us a call to take the first step towards a resilient and confident smile.