Dentures are prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth, providing individuals with a comprehensive solution for restored oral function and a natural-looking smile. Dr. Sandy Kim, our skilled dentist at 1st Smile Dental, is happy to provide this treatment for our patients.

Types of Dentures

Dentures come in various types, including full dentures for complete tooth replacement and partial dentures for addressing specific gaps. Full dentures replace an entire arch of missing teeth, while partial dentures are customized to fit seamlessly among existing natural teeth. 

Benefits of Dentures

Beyond restoring oral function, dentures offer aesthetic benefits by enhancing the appearance of the smile. They provide support to facial muscles, preventing sagging and contributing to a more youthful facial structure. Dentures also facilitate improved speech and chewing abilities. 

Considerations for Denture Wearers

Proper maintenance and care are essential for denture wearers. Regular cleaning, adjustments and periodic checkups with Dr. Kim ensure the longevity and effectiveness of dentures. Adjustments may be necessary as changes in the jawbone structure occur over time. 

Rediscover Your Smile

If you are considering dentures or exploring tooth replacement options, schedule a consultation with us by calling 214-736-3777. We specialize in crafting personalized dentures in Irving, Texas, providing comprehensive solutions to restore your smile’s functionality and aesthetics. Contact us to take the first step towards renewed confidence and oral wellbeing.