Dental fillings are a fundamental component of restorative dentistry, addressing cavities and preserving tooth structure. We are pleased to provide this treatment for patients of all ages at 1st Smile Dental.


Purpose of Dental Fillings

Dental fillings serve the critical role of repairing teeth damaged by cavities or decay. By removing the decayed portion and filling the resulting space, fillings prevent further deterioration, restore tooth functionality and maintain overall oral health. 

Types of Filling Materials

Dental fillings come in various materials, each with their unique characteristics. Common options include amalgam, composite resin, gold and porcelain. The choice of material depends on factors such as the tooth’s location, the extent of the decay and aesthetic preferences. 

Benefits of Dental Fillings

Beyond halting the progression of decay, dental fillings contribute to the preservation of natural tooth structure. They restore the tooth’s shape, strength and function while preventing complications that may arise from untreated cavities, such as infections or tooth loss. 

Schedule Your Dental Filling

If you suspect cavities or require a dental filling, schedule a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Sandy Kim, by calling 214-736-3777. We offer many options for comprehensive restorative care, utilizing the most suitable filling materials to restore and enhance your oral health. Call our dental office today to schedule a visit and learn more about dental fillings in Irving, Texas.