Night guards play a crucial role in protecting your teeth and oral health during the night, especially for those prone to teeth grinding or clenching, a condition known as bruxism. At 1st Smile Dental, we are pleased to offer this oral appliance as a viable solution to protect your smile.

Understanding Bruxism and Its Impact

Bruxism often occurs unconsciously during sleep, leading to excessive wear on tooth surfaces, jaw discomfort and headaches. Night guards act as a protective barrier, minimizing the impact of grinding and clenching, preserving both natural teeth and dental restorations.

Custom-Fitted Night Guards

Dr. Sandy Kim emphasizes the importance of custom-fitted night guards. Tailored to your unique dental structure, these guards ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness. Over-the-counter options may not provide the same level of protection and comfort as professionally crafted night guards. 

Preserving Long-Term Oral Health

Night guards serve as preventive measures, averting potential complications associated with bruxism. By redistributing forces and reducing pressure on teeth and jaws, these oral appliances contribute to the longevity of your smile.

Invest in Your Smile’s Protection

Prioritize your oral health by scheduling a consultation at our office with our dentist in Irving, Texas. Take a proactive step in safeguarding your smile during sleep by calling 214-736-3777. Our office specializes in crafting custom night guards, ensuring optimal protection and comfort. Invest in the longevity and wellbeing of your smile!