Dental bonding is a meticulous procedure conducted by Dr. Sandy Kim. This cosmetic dentistry technique involves applying a tooth-colored resin to address various dental imperfections, providing a seamless and natural-looking solution.

Erasing Imperfections with Precision

Dental bonding is adept at correcting imperfections such as chipped or discolored teeth. Dr. Kim skillfully sculpts and bonds the resin to the affected area, ensuring a harmonious blend with the natural tooth structure.

Closing Gaps for a Unified Smile

Gaps between teeth can disrupt the symmetry of your smile. Through dental bonding, our dentist can expertly close these gaps, restoring balance and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your teeth.

Strengthening and Protecting with Bonded Fillings

Beyond aesthetics, dental bonding is employed for functional purposes. We utilize bonded fillings to repair decayed or damaged teeth, restoring both strength and integrity to the tooth structure. 

Transform Your Smile with Dr. Sandy Kim

Discover the transformative power of dental bonding in Irving, Texas. Contact us at 214-736-3777 to schedule a consultation at 1st Smile Dental. Our commitment is to provide meticulous and personalized dental solutions, ensuring your smile radiates confidence and beauty, and we are happy to discuss your cosmetic options with you! Unveil the potential of your smile with dental bonding — because every tooth deserves to shine.