Root canal therapy, a common yet misunderstood dental procedure, serves as a crucial intervention to save teeth affected by severe decay or infection. Dr. Sandy Kim can provide comprehensive insights into the purpose, process and benefits of root canal therapy in Irving, Texas.


Purpose of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy aims to remove infected or damaged pulp from the tooth’s interior, effectively halting the progression of decay or infection. By cleaning, disinfecting and sealing the tooth, this procedure preserves the natural tooth structure, preventing the need for extraction.

Indications for Root Canal Therapy

Severe tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli and swelling around the affected tooth are indicative of potential issues requiring root canal therapy. Early intervention is crucial to prevent complications such as abscess formation and tooth loss. 

Process of Root Canal Therapy

Our dentist and team begin by numbing the affected area before accessing the tooth’s pulp chamber. The infected or damaged pulp is then removed, and the space is thoroughly cleaned and sealed. In some cases, a dental crown may be recommended to reinforce the treated tooth. 

Address Dental Pain with Us

If you are experiencing persistent dental pain or suspect the need for root canal therapy, schedule a consultation with at 1st Smile Dental by calling 214-736-3777. Dr. Kim specializes in providing effective and compassionate root canal therapy, ensuring the preservation of your natural teeth and relieving discomfort. Act now to prioritize your oral health and alleviate dental pain.